Monday, February 6, 2012

Blog Post 3

Blog Critique
I was assigned Kayla Shepherd's blog to edit in this assignment. Her post on the videos in post two was really good, but I felt like it ended abruptly. I felt like she did not complete her thought that she was writing about in her post. I will be telling her this through posting a comment on her blog, because maybe she had a reason for doing it this way. All in all her post was very good, made sense and flowed up until the end.

Technology in Special Education
This video was very informative. I had no idea that computers could help children with special needs do better in school. The computer seems to be a very handy tool for this teacher. I really enjoyed the students interacting with their computers so we could better understand their excitement about these tools.
The teacher in this video seems to be pretty awesome. I can see her passion for helping these students. As a teacher I can use a smart board in my classroom for special needs children. I have learned different techniques to teach the special needs children while using the smart board.

Apple Apps
The App I found that would be helpful to students with special need is the Intro to Letters, by Montessorium. This app allows the student to choose a letter from the alphabet and learn how to pronounce it, read it and write it. The description on the app store it: "Learn to trace, read, write and record letter sounds, names, and phonograms, based on the proven methodology of Montessori." It is also available in different languages.
This would work great with children with learning disabilities or disabled students. The app talks to the children and allows them to record the way they are saying it to see if they are saying it right. I would use this in the classroom for all types of students.

Social Media Changes
The stats on this webpage is crazy! The amount of time that we spend on social media and on the internet itself is amazing. If it is this large of a number now I can only imagine what it will be like in 5 years. This means a lot for me as a future teacher. This means that there will be new technology and social media for me to implement in the classroom, but it also means that it will be more distracting to the students.
These stats are also not surprising to me, because I live in a world that is consumed by social media and technology. This can be a good and bad thing. The good is that the future of technology and social media has no much to offer. The bad is that is can become consuming and distracting from every day life.

A Vision of Students

I agree and have experienced many aspects of this video, as a college student myself, but I agree, many of these issues the students create for themselves. You could get more out of class by actually paying attention instead of texting,going on the internet for Facebook. College isn't easy, and shouldn't be easy & students need to take it more serious.
This video let me see things form a different perspective. It is very important as students, and future educators, to think about things differently. I sometimes need to check myself on how I am going through college and often see I need to be more serious. This video was great.


  1. Thanks for letting us know about social media changes.

    Agreement Templates

  2. What comments do you have on the materials contained in the peer review portion of this assignment?

    There are far better ways to address the needs of special ed students than the smart board. Did you not encounter some of them in watching the video?

    What does the Wesch video have to say about the methods used by teachers?

  3. Kaitlin,
    Your blog looks really great! I am glad you chose to comment on your classmate's blog post instead of emailing. When we become teachers, we will have to use constructive criticism, and we also will have to accept it. I had many of the same opinions on the videos as you did. The teacher in the special education video was amazing! I can only hope that if I teach special education students that I can be as great of a teacher as she is. The app you choose sounds really neat. It will really help in teaching the students the alphabet. The social media chart amazed me as well! As future teachers, it looks like we will have our hands full with the amount of social media and technology is out there! The last video really spoke to me. I agree that if students want to learn, they will pay attention instead of texting or playing on their computer. It's all up to the student.
